
Import Tariff Notice Update May 2019

May 10, 2019
Re: Import Tariffs Notice

Dear Valued Customer,

The May 10, 2019 announcement advised the tariff rate that was set at 10% for affected items, has been raised to 25%, effective immediately.

Wall Industries started billing the applicable section 301 tariffs on October 1, 2018; as advised in our past notifications.

Effective 5/13/19 Wall will start billing at the increased tariff rate. Please note tariff charges are applicable based on time of product entering in to the United States; not based on the date which an order was placed.

Our approach has been one geared towards billing at a percentage that properly represents only the tariffs Wall incurs based on the decisions of our suppliers and equitably passing these charges along those charges only.

Customers will see billing of tariffs in one of three ways:

  • A separate line item for the tariff charge on the invoice for the actual shipment of product.
  • A separate invoice following the actual shipment of product for the tariff charge. These invoices will reference the customer purchase order number and Wall’s original invoice number for shipment of product.
  • An increase in unit cost on a new quote. Wall was opposed to raising prices at the part number level, but an exception had to be made for parts which our materials suppliers have chosen to increase their piece part price and not separate the tariff costs, in which case we will have no choice but to pass these increases along in the purchase price.

Our primary objective is to minimize supply chain disruption and to continue to support your requirements at the highest levels.
You can find updates on the Wall Industries website under Import Tariff Notice or paste this link in your browser:

Import Tariff Notice Update May 2019

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Wall Industries, Inc. offers fully custom power design capabilities. Our team of electrical and mechanical power design engineers will utilize proven design topologies and concepts to create a solution to your power requirements. If you don’t have a specification, Wall’s engineering team will assist you in determining what your requirements are and how best to provide a solution.

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