Wall Industries, Inc. (“WALL”) recognizes that its day-to-day operations can impact both directly and indirectly on the global environment. We have set goals to protect and improve the environment around us through responsible management and by adopting the best practices in this area wherever possible. WALL will work to integrate environmental considerations into our business decisions and incorporate greener alternatives throughout our operations, and we request that our suppliers do the same as well.
Our policies involve all employees and make it part of their responsibility to help WALL work towards our goals and objectives within this framework.
- In 2023 an executive decision was made to reduce paper use companywide.
- To achieve this goal, it was decided to focus on two high paper use processes and create custom workflows through AdobeSign to reduce and eliminate printing.
- Quotes.
- Pre – Quote review and approval process.
- Contract Signatures (e.g. Purchase Orders, ITAR Checklist).
- Comply with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations.
- Prevent pollution to land, air, and water.
- Reduce water and energy use.
- Establish targets to measure the continuous improvement in our environmental performance.
- Promote environmentally responsible purchasing.
- Involve the community, customers, partners, suppliers, and subcontractors in the implementation of our objectives.
- Identify and manage environmental risks and hazards.
- Provide suitable training that will enable employees to deal with and meet our corporate environmental goals.
- Minimize waste and increase recycling within the framework of our waste management procedures.
- Replacing outdated fluorescent fixtures with newer, more efficient LED models. This resulted in a significant reduction in our electricity consumption.
- Recycling all paper and packaging.
- Replacing bottled water with newer technology water fountains so bottles are no longer required.
- Updating all plumbing fixtures to conserve water.
- Even something as small as requesting that employees to use the Calibri typeface which, according to an Associated Press article published in April 2010, is one of the more efficient fonts for ink and paper conservation.